Lex & Yacc : Acceptance of string

Ques : Write a lex and yacc program to accept strings over {0,1} from the set {00,0000,000000….. , 11,1111,111111…..}

// (yacc file)
void yyerror(char *s);
%token Z O
S : S A {printf("Accepted ");}
| A ;
A : Z Z
| O O ;
int main()
void yyerror(char *s)
fprintf(stdout,"\nNot Accepted !\n");

// Lex File

extern int yylval;
0 {yylval=0;return Z;}
1 {yylval=1;return O;}
[ \t] {;}
\n return 0;
. return yytext[0];

Output :-
Accepted !
Not Accepted !

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