What is ” Click-Bait ” ?

clickbait (1)
” Click bait “ is defined as a link with a headline that encourages people to click to see more, without telling them much information about what they will see.Example :
Here we can see a link which may open a page which has nothing to do as headline states.when we click on this link it will open an undesired page.Typically click bait links will forward the user to a page that requires payment, registration, or is one in a series of pages to help drive page views for the site.Social media has given rise to a slew of sites catering to this type of content and strategy.But to overcome this problem Facebook recently revamped its news feed algorithm  to help further weed out “click-bait” from users’ pages.

So now question raises that how does Facebook identify click -bait ?

  • Facebook monitors how long a user stays on a certain link after they click it. If the user does not spend an adequate amount of time,and does not comment,like or share that post,Facebook could detect it as a click-bait story.

So now…..!!!

Goodbye clickbait

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